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Schaubergwerk große Halle
Seelackenmuseum  von außen
Seelackenmuseum römische Öllampe

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Rural Life

The museum building is the so-called Wallnerbauernhaus from Schwarzach, built in 1738. The house was disassembled 1988 and rebuilt true to the original at its current location. Now it is used as a museum and as a meeting and event venue. Together with the granery, the baking oven, the water mill and the school garden, the ensemble is well worth seeing.

Rauchkuchl - offene Kochstelle im Wallnerbauernhaus Seelackenmuseum

Walking through the house awakens memories or arouses curiosity. For example, how can you reuse a Christmas tree? What did people do when it was too cold in winter to go outside to the outhouse?

Let's sit down together in the cosy living room before we explore the Rauchkuchl (smoke kitchen), the bedchamber and the attic.

History, Mining & Archaeology

Our 4000-year journey of discovery begins in the Stone Age and leads us past the first fortified settlements and Bronze Age cemeteries to everyday objects from an almost forgotten time. The reason for the emergence of the first larger settlements was the beginning of copper mining around 1850 BC. Thanks to these finds the museum is part of the Ore of the Alps UNESCO Global Geopark.

Seelackenmuseum © Elena Zakharova (54).jpg
Seelackenmuseum © Elena Zakharova (52).jpg

Copper was mined in St.Veit in three mining phases, each using different methods. Mining took place in the Bronze Age from about 1850 to 1000 B.C., first above ground in pits, then underground from 1500 B.C., in the Middle Ages from 1300 to 1500 and in modern times with interruptions from about 1500 to 1875. In our exhibition we present the different mining methods and finds from mines.

Especially among the miners, but also among the farmers and craftsmen, there were many Protestants unwanted by the archbishop. On 31 July 1731, they took the so-called "Salzlecker-Schwur", an unwavering commitment to the "new faith". As a result, one of the largest expulsions in Salzburg's history took place (Protestant persecution 1731/1732).

Seelackenmuseum Schöne Pongauerin.JPG

Thomas Bernhard

*1931 Heerlen, Netherlands

†1989 Gmunden, Austria

He is one of the most important German-language authors of the second half of the 20th century. 

But what connects the famous writer with St. Vitus?


He spent two years in the Grafenhof lung sanatorium, had formative encounters and made his first literary steps here. After his convalescence, he returned for 30 years on holiday.


Two showrooms, the Thomas Bernhard Trail and the Thomas Bernhard Days are dedicated to him.

Seelackenmuseum Thomas Bernhard.jpg
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